Creating a test suite


See "Restrictions when using the test frameworks" for the restrictions when creating a test suite.

Recommended: Creating a test suite incl. Excel file

  1. Expand the object displayed in the project explorer.

  2. Open the context menu for the displayed sub-level item (= the POU for which you want to create the test suite).

  3. Select the command Create Test Suite.
    Result: In the folder, a test suite file with the name of the POU is created. Example: ADD.test or MyFB1.test. Moreover, the test suite is available as Excel file. Go ahead and modify this file.

Alternative: Creating a test suite first and then export it to Excel

  1. In the project explorer, go to the folder in the test project where you want to create the test suite.

  2. In this folder, create the test suite: context menu of the folder, New...Other..., in the wizard: expand the category Neuron Power Engineer Test framework and select Block Test Suite, click Next >, enter the name of the POU under test and click Finish.
    (warning) Enter the name of the POU under test as you would enter it when inserting a call (e.g. when using the content assist). Examples: AND (if you want to test the system block ADD) or MyFB1 (if you want to test the user-defined function block MyFB1). If the POU is declared within a →namespace, enter the fully qualified name, e.g. Standard.Timers.TON.
    Result: In the folder, a test suite file with the name of the POU is created. Example: ADD.test or MyFB1.test

  3. Export the created test suite file as Microsoft Excel file: context menu of the test suite file, command Export..., expand the category Neuron Power Engineer Test framework and select Export Test Suite to Excel, click Next >, enter/select the directory and the name for the Excel file and click Finish.
    Result: The test suite is available as Excel file. Go ahead and modify this file.